Lovemail Manifesto


Early computing pioneers envisioned a future where software could amplify our imagination, extend our intellect, and help us communicate in ways never before seen.

We’ve come a long way since then, but our tools today are a far cry from that idyllic vision.

Personal computers may be our most powerful tools, but most software today feels anything but personal.


Our north star is building software that adapts to the dynamic needs of each person.

If every person has access to software that adapts to their unique problems, the world will be better at solving its problems.


We’re inspired by companies like Apple, The Browser Company, Notion, and Figma that’ve invented new tools to give everyday people superpowers. 

We find existential purpose in contributing to this lineage of innovation and creating things that’ll inspire the next generation. 


We want to reimagine email, a tool used by over half the world’s population.

For such a rigid format—subject, recipient, body—it’s incredible how many different things email is used for: airline tickets, convos with co-workers, shopping receipts, and endless solicitations from big-name brands and politicians.

While many of our other software tools have improved drastically over the years, the email client largely still does what it did forty years ago—showing a long list of unsorted messages.

We think the email client can do so much more to adapt to the personal needs of each user.

We’re imagining a new type of email interface that does the manual work for us, an interface that visualizes cookie-cutter emails in delightful new ways, an interface that looks and feels nothing like an inbox.

We believe that with AI technology we can solve productivity for good.

We want to create a solution where Inbox 0 is the default and users can focus on the joy of human connection through technology.


It goes without saying, the market for email is massive. There are approximately 4.3B email users worldwide. 80% of companies use email to communicate with their customers.

We think about email much like The Browser Company thinks about the browser. For better or worse, email is the ubiquitous protocol that products and services use to communicate with people. Owning the interface through which billions of people communicate with products and services will give us enormous leverage in shaping the future of online communication and human interfaces.

We will save people hundreds of hours per year by freeing them from routine communication tasks. The perfect interface will form itself around your needs, reducing clutter and empowering you to focus on higher-level work—the things humans are uniquely good at. Online communication will become more personal, delightful, and natural.