This is Paul

We do Email
as Chat

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Wow! This Email looks actually like Chat

It makes my Inbox so much cleaner

Yes you see Messages
from actual Humans,
Separated from the rest

Focus on human connection


Your Order has arrived

Uber Eats

Your Order from Goldies Smashburger has arrived.

Vitally important, rarely taught, easily messed up. In order to go onto the next thing, which we all do (unless you’re still wearing pajamas with feet and taking ballet lessons), we need to walk away from the last thing.

Gave you 2 Amie invites

Dennis from Amie

hey, just gave you 2 invites to bring in your friends. Also: are there bugs you'd like us to fix? is the app speed bugging you somewhere?

happy new week dennis

Automated Emails come as a Feed
Receive Notifications, Newsletters, and Transactional Messages
in a separated Feed.
Connect your Stack to Emails
Create automated Intros, Todos, Notes and Event.
All from your Inbox

Create Intro



Powered by Open AI

Data is all yours

Everything is locally hosted and encrypted on your Device.

Powered by Open AI

Good Vibes Only?
Turn on "Good Vibes Mood" and turn every stressful message into an uplifting read.
Two Checkmarks
Same as with your messenger. Full control and transparency.


Keyboard first
Work and respond blazing fast on your laptop using the command center.